Assigned to Direwolf+ Layered for convenience. To clarify, this is a save which has completed all content as of 2.35, but has not completed 2.40 content. Fluffy fox ears with two tiers of physics, a tail that constantly wags, and dyeable hair to. Thus, the time loop and Candys quest and similar will have to be redone. Adramelech is a high-class Apoptosis creature who appears in the first part of Monster Girl Quest: Paradox. Ruby struck down an Apoptosis, creating enough of a gap for her to grab the sonic weapon from her belt.

I have not done these in this save, after all. At the very leastthis should distract them Bracing herself, Ruby pulled the trigger on the weapon.

In the next moment, a terrifying wail filled the corridor, and over half of the Apoptosis collapsed.